This Saturday, we went to see Fireproof at the theater. If you are familiar with Facing The Giants, you've probably heard of it. The movie stars Kirk Cameron. He plays a firefighter, who willingly sacrifices his wellfare everyday for the good of others, but at home, is far from heroic and letting his marriage crumble. He and his wife cannot get along anymore. He blames her entirely. She blames him entirely. They are both ready to call it quits. His father steps in to help. I can't give away the story for those who haven't seen it, but it was a really great movie. The characters are real people facing real problems in life -- there's no soft-pedaling that. It shows the emotions they both go through and the changes they face in their life. Whether you are married or single, this movie has a message for you. If you are married, I don't doubt that it will make you think about your commitment to your marriage and if your attitude toward your spouse might need some adjusting. If you are single, it will definitely make you think about what a serious, lifelong commitment marriage is, and that when you say "I do", it is for the worse as well as the better. The movie has light-hearted moments that make you laugh out aloud, and moments where the tears will fall. I recommend it to everyone. Visit www.fireproofthemovie.com for more details.