Sunday, November 4, 2007


I read a lot of blogs. I thought I read a lot of blogs when I read about eight on a regular basis, but now the "MyFavorites" link section of my Internet homepage is full of blogs. Some are new finds, but I have been reading a few of them for more than two years. It amazes me how you can learn so much about a person through reading their blog. When I find a new blog that looks interesting, I sort through a few of the older posts, and in fifteen minutes, I already have an idea of the blogger's interests, family life, and personality. I am often amazed, too, at the thoughtful posts, neat pictures, and great ideas so many bloggers post on a regular basis. Before I tried blogging myself, if I gave any thought to how all those posts I enjoyed ever got posted, I just thought that the blogger probably set aside fifteen minutes for a picture and a paragraph, maybe thirty minutes to put together the long, insightful posts. Now that I blog, I laugh at my former ideas and ask for a big round of applause for all those bloggers who really put time and thought into their posts.

When I started blogging, it was in part for the fun of it, but I really wanted to work on my writing skills and and have a place to post photographs. I had no idea what I was getting into. It is hard to say what I want to say without having the luxury of several rewrites and it is even harder to come up with new things to post about that are even mildly interesting on a consistent basis. I wanted to blog about all my craft/art/cooking projects, but I didn't want my blog to consist solely of that. I wanted to write what I thought about the news or in response to articles I read, as well as detailed movie/book reviews. So far, I just can't find the time. For example, I wanted to write a post on October 31 about the Protestant Reformation. I did have it written out nicely in my head. The trouble was, October 31 came and went and I never even began the post. I do have one very good excuse for my shortcomings: I'm very new at blogging. I only set this blog up in July. It took two months for me to get all the details worked out and I deleted several of my first posts because they were awful (even worse than these). I only began letting people read my blog in September, so I've really been doing this for only two months. My two biggest problems that I must overcome are these:
  1. Even though I'm 22, I can't move past the high school mindset that I need at least a week to write a paper before I hand it in to the teacher. Blogging doesn't work that way. I suppose I could write longer posts out and work on them apart from the blog, then copy them into a post, but the point is for your blog to be like your online journal, not your online collection of essays. I may have to try that way a few times, though, at least until I get used to posting about something besides crafts.
  2. I have an obsessive habit of proof-reading. Each post must be proofed at least ten times before it is published or I have a nagging feeling throughout the rest of the day that I used the wrong form of "there" somewhere in that post. (I've noticed that the typos somehow slip by anyway. If you see one, don't worry. I always find them two days after I publish it.)

So, my new goal is to put more thought into my posts, even if it takes me three days to get one post up, and I only get to proof-read it three times. Again, to all the bloggers out there who post such great stuff so frequently, thank you!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to be the same way when I blogged. I would have to write the post in a word document. Proof it 10 times and then post it. It eventually led to a burnout and I gave up completely. I miss writing but I am too much of a perfectionist I guess. I would encourage you not to worry about it. Just be yourself and don't worry about all the grammar and finding the best words and making the best points. This is forum for you to express your ideas not to get overly stressed by writing a masterpiece.