I really enjoyed the series. It isn't perfect, of course, and this time I can see why it ended -- aside from the David/Neil dilemma, they had probably carried the story as far as they could for a TV series. I just wish they had wrapped it up with good movie that tells the story of who Christy finally chooses. Hallmark did make two movies a few years ago that tried to do that. I checked them out from the library to sort of "finish" the series. In my honest opinion, neither one of the movies is very good. If you haven't seen the series, you might enjoy them, but if you are used to Kellie Martin as Christy, Randall Batinkoff as David, and Tyne Daily as Miss Alice, the replacement actors in the movie just don't fill their shoes. The movie Christy has a rather arrogant, I'm-so-smart attitude that was in stark contrast to the TV Christy's sweet personality. The movie David was even worse. He just had no personality at all. Only having the original Neil in the cast helped the movie. He was one of my favorite characters from the series anyway. Then again, I liked all the characters and actors in the series. :)
Have you ever read the novel Christy? It's wonderful. You should read it. I will tell you though, that the reason the TV series ended that way is that the book ended that way! In real life, the Catherine Marshall's mother (who Christy is based off of) married a preacher. I hope that helps cure your frustration!
I read Christy a long time ago -- probably ten years ago -- so, unfortunately I've forgotten a lot of the details. I do remember that I enjoyed it a lot. Rewatching the series has definitely made me think about reading it again soon!
Keep working ,great job!
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