Okay, by request I'm posting pictures of my new clothes! The photography isn't too great, but you'll get to see what everything looks like. These are my new shirts:

You can't tell a lot about them from the picture, but I love these tops. The neckline is square and reminds me of a Regency dress. It's hard to see, but one is black and one is royal blue. I look for shirts that I can dress up and dress down, with skirts or slacks or khakis. These were just what I was looking for and the price was great!

Here is my skirt set. The shirt is chocolate brown with a drape neck and an empire waist band.

I love the colors in the skirt. They are much more vibrant in person. The leaves at the bottom are chocolate brown, the other leaves are aqua blue and lime green, and the main part of the skirt is robin's-egg blue.

Here is the polka dot dress. Of course, I'll wear it with a white shirt underneath. :)

You can see the print better in this picture. The main color is chocolate brown, then there are white and pale blue polka dots.

This dress was my mom's favorite, which surprised me because she doesn't usually like big prints. The pattern reminds me of a peacock.

Here is a close-up. The pattern is mint green with blue-gray and beige highlights. The necklace we chose is draped around the hanger.
I always wait until after Easter to start wearing my spring dresses, so I haven't worn any of them yet. I should start putting away some of my heavy sweaters, too -- even if the weather is still pretty chilly.
Cute story: I was standing at the cash register last week when this cute little girl, about five years old, ran up to the counter beside her mom and handed me a little pink shoe box.
"These are my new sandals!" she told me, so excited.
"They are?" I said. "They're really cute."
"Yes," she said, " they are sooo pretty. When I get home, I'm going to put them on and wear them inside my room and pretend like it's warm outside!!!"
Everybody nearby laughed about that one. We're all beginning to buy spring clothes, short sleeved tops, and lots of people last week were even buying swim suits. I guess we all want to pretend it's already warm outside!
Pretty! I think it's just that time of year... :)
Everything you bought is so pretty!Is it just me , or does spring time make you want to shop? LOL!
May God's richest blessings be yours as you reflect on the extent of His love demonstrated through the death His Son on the cross and the awesomeness of His power exhibited through the resurrection.
To God be the glory!
a spiritual oasis
Ooh ... lovely! Thank you for sharing. Spring is close enough, I want to shop too!
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