Now that I'm home again, I can pick up my quilting series where I left off. :) After you have chosen your pattern and your colors, the next step is piecing.
There are lots of methods for piecing -- hand piecing, strip-piecing, chain-piecing, paper piecing, too name a few -- but the two I am most familiar with, and find easiest, are hand-piecing and strip-piecing.
The biggest difficulty with hand piecing is that you have to draw a a seam allowance to follow on the wrong side of the fabric. That is the only way you can make sure your seams will line up. It sounds like a lot of trouble and, at first, it is awkward, but once you find a system for cutting the pieces out and marking them as you go, it becomes easy. The quickest way I found was to make a plastic template. You can buy template plastic at any sewing/crafts store. Cut it the exact size of the square your working with and then use an Exacto knife to cut a quarter-inch seam allowance on the inside. You are left with a quilting "cookie-cutter" that you can lay on each piece of fabric and trace seam allowances with. Here are templates and fabrics I used in my wedding ring quilt. If you look closely, you can see where I traced the seam allowances.
Of course, you can simply sew each piece together by machine if you prefer. My first two wall-hangings were done this way and my first quilt, the blue quilt, was strip-pieced. I was having so much trouble making my seams meet when it came time to join blocks, that I decided to try piecing by hand out of desperation. I loved it. I had so much more control over each seam and never had to worry about stretching the fabric or getting a gigantic knot in the back to untangle. ( You can see I am not the best of friends with a sewing machine.) Has anyone else ever tried hand sewing? I'd love to hear about your projects!!