Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Just Some Random Ranting

Monday, I woke up in a bad mood. You know, one of those days where you're grouchy when you wake up and from that moment on everything seems to go wrong. It was my day off from work and I wanted to sleep late. My mom woke me up before I was ready to wake up. She wanted me to go to the store with her to help her find some things. So, I had to get up, get dressed, make myself at least somewhat presentable, and go out in the rain. I was not very pleasant. When we came home, we began spring cleaning the living room. First I went upstairs to get the vacuum cleaner. It was downstairs. So, I went downstairs, grabbed the vacuum, and hauled it up the stairs. I realized after I plugged it in that I had taken the vacuum with the broken belt -- in other words, the one that doesn't work. So, I dragged it back downstairs, found the correct vacuum, and took it back upstairs so I could vacuum my room and the stairs. It was that kind of day all around. I never did get into a better temperment until after supper, when I could sit down and relax.

Yesterday, I had to work. I was only scheduled a light week this time and I was talking to some other girls about having so few hours. One of them asked if I would cover for her Saturday because she wanted to play in her team's softball game. I told her I would. After all, I didn't have that many hours that week and I was going to be off today. Only a few hours after I settled this with her, the manager paged me and asked if I would like to work today. Oh boy. So, I worked Tuesday, today, and will also work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I'll have Sunday off, then I work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This has just not been my week. Next Friday, we are leaving to go on vacation. Believe me I am counting down the days. I need a nice, relaxing break so bad!!

1 comment:

Kaitlyn Michelle said...

This sounds like something that would happen to me- especially the part about the vacuum! :)