Saturday, May 17, 2008

I have the whole weekend ahead of me....

Yay! This is going to be the first time I've had two days off in a row in three weeks. I just started a new drawing that I have been working on during my evenings. It's for a present, so I want to finish it by a certain time. I also want to straighten up and organize my room a little. Besides that ..... there are lots of things. I want to go for walks, go to Walmart, finish filling the last pages in my photo album, practice my new hymn arrangement, watch a movie, read a book, email some pictures, blog a few things, do some writing, and relax. Can I fit all that into one weekend? I doubt it, but I'm going to try! :)


Kaitlyn Michelle said...

I hope you get everything done that you want to! :)

Lauren Christine said...

I ditto Kaitlyn :)

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