Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I've been in a little bit of a downer lately. I guess that's why I haven't posted as much. It hasn't really been a difficult time, just a series of aggravations and annoyances. When things are like that, I get a little down and out. Things at work have been annoying. At home, I get frustrated with myself because I can't seem to get all my projects organized or make any progress with anything. My hand is bothering me again. Oh, and yesterday, after my last customer went into a rage because a package of underwear wasn't on sale when she thought it was, on the way home, the car behind me rear-ended me. Thankfully, the only damage was a few scratches on the car, but my nerves were shattered.

Emily, at Unfurling Flower had a great post about how to handle days like these. The most important thing to try to remember is to focus on other things. Don't wallow in all the things that have gone wrong, but keep my mind on what needs doing and what I should do. It really helps to take my focus from the drama or the emotional drain of the moment to simply do the next thing. For now, I hope the clouds are breaking and blue sky is ahead. :)


emme said...

I'm sorry things have been a bit hard for you lately, Mandy! I know what those sorts of days can be like...☺

You'll be in my prayers,

Kaitlyn Michelle said...

As Emme said Mandy, I'm sorry you've been having such a rough time of it lately! You'll be in my prayers as well. :)