I love the cool, crisp fall weather! The leaves are changing colors and the weather is perfect! I love taking walks now. In summer, it's just too hot, but now, everyday when I come home from work, I take a walk and enjoy the fresh air and breeze. So nice! I hope it stays like this for a while before the cold weather gets here.
Things I love about fall:
caramel apples
colorful leaves
cool weather
long walks
light sweaters
jean jackets
rich colors in my closet
apple cider
county fairs
my birthday!!
Mmm...just reading your list of "fall loves" makes me nod my head in agreement! ☺
I love all of those things, too!
I've been enjoying walking in the cooler weather, myself. Every day I take the same two-mile walk down our dirt road. So refreshing and beautiful!
All of which are my favorite as well.I just finished switching my closet over, and it's so nice to see all of my fall sweaters come out of "storage" again.
Mmmm... Caramel apples! I can't wait to make some this fall. :)
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