Today, I am finally going to begin a series about quilts. I have been wanting to for a long time, but have never made time to for it. Now, every Monday, I am going to post something about quilting. It could be a step-by-step for a specific block, piecing techniques, tips on buying/coordinating fabrics, pattern ideas, or just a "things-I've-learned-from-mistakes" post -- I think I could write a book with just those. :)
Anyway, today's post is just a few thoughts about quilting in general and why I began. I became interested watching
Simply Quilts on HGTV. The complicated, beautiful patterns those quilters showcased were so inspiring! I had to learn how to quilt after seeing theirs. My first quilt was a variation on a nine-patch, strip-pieced by machine, and hand quilted. This was definitely my "learning" quilt. Even in the picture, you can see all the seams that didn't meet. I love this quilt, though, just because it was my first complete one. I had it with me in some of my senior portraits.

This quilt was my second try. It is a wall hanging, instead of a full-size, but it was actually more complicated than the blue one. I still don't know if I'll ever have the courage to try applique again. Sorry for the funny picture -- I had to drape it over a low chair to show the full pattern. I will try to find a better way when I use it as an example in another post.

The pattern outside the applique blocks is Flying geese. Again, you can see that my seams don't meet as they should, especially on the green side. If you look closely, you can find all four of these fabrics again in my wedding ring quilt and all except the pink in my spring quilt.

After this, I did my Christmas quilt, then my Fan Quilt, then my Double Wedding Ring quilt, and finally, my Spring Quilt. Next Monday, I'll post about the first of three basic steps of quilting:
- Choosing the pattern, layout, and colors. This is my favorite step and, in my opinion, the most important to take your time with!
- Piecing the quil top
- Assembling, quilting, and binding.
Oh how lovely! I can't wait for next Monday!!! I feel like I've found your blog at exactly the right time...I'll be able to follow along with these quilting posts, then this fall when I have time to quilt again(with our second child in 2 years due in 6 weeks, I know better than to think I'll have time before that!), I'll be chomping at the bit to get started! Thank you so much for sharing!!
What beauty!!! :) Oh, how I wish I could quilt!
All of your quilts are so beautiful!
Thanks for sharing some tips, I know I'll be glad for any help I can get!
This really is a handful of really good information. I found lots of things that I am seeking.
I must tell you, many thanks for revealing this specific helpful content. I picked up a lot. Many thanks
Really, this is so useful to me. We are an innovative new blogger. Bless you a great deal!
This is a lot of really good material. I discovered several things that I am seeking.
Very good post. Remain writing!
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