Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Graduation Present

My cousin Kristen graduated high school this May. Unfortunately, we weren't able to go down to NC for her ceremony like we had planned. That did give me more time to work on her present, though. I love to make things -- cross-stitch samplers, quilts, drawings-- and usually if I have a present to give, I like to make it. So I decided to make one of her presents from us. It took me a long time to decide which scene to use for the sampler, but I finally decided on this one. She has just redecorated her room in pink and other bright colors, so at least I know it will match. Choosing the mat-board was another challenge. There isn't any green in her room, but the framers assured me green was the best color for the background because it makes the other colors jump out of the picture. Now the scene is stitched, the stitchery is matted, and all of it is in a frame which I think will coordinate with her new bedroom suit. The question is.....will she like it?

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