Thursday, October 11, 2007

Food Fun

Here's a fun little game different bloggers have been sending to each other this week. You're supposed to take each letter of your name and write a food related factoid that starts with that letter. Let's see:

M -- I don't really care for macaroni and cheese. I know everybody is supposed to love it, but I just never have. Sometimes my mom makes baked mac and cheese and I like that pretty well, but I just don't like the regular cheesy stuff.

A -- I love apple pie. It's one of my favorite types of pie. I want to find a recipe and try to make one for Christmas this year.

N -- Nachos are great. Mexican food is my favorite, anyway.

D -- Dr. Pepper is the best soft drink ever. Does that count as food? I think so.

Y -- Yogurt has never been my favorite thing. You know, the kind in the little containers at the grocery store? The only way I like it is with granola and fruit. I do like frozen yogurt pretty well, but I prefer ice cream. :)

I had some tough letters in my name! How many types of food can you think of that start with "Y" or "D"?

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