Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Well, let's see........

What have I been up to lately? I have been trying to figure out my new laptop -- and working. Then I come home and try to figure out some more about it. Then I go to work. I write a few sentences before I fall asleep, then my alarm clock tells me it's time to go to work again. I come home and try to figure out my new laptop. Can you tell I'm a computer genius? I have really got to see if there is a Windows Vista for Dummies book at the library, because when it comes to Windows Vista, I'm so lost. I knew our old computer inside and out. It's amazing how just having a different system can throw me for a loop. I had to look in the manual to figure out how to shut it down. *blushes* Anyway, I have the whole weekend off, then I work Monday and have Tuesday and Wednesday off. Yay!! A mini vacation!! Hopefully, during those four days I can get some things done that I need to do and relax a little as well. And come up with something interesting to post. ; )

1 comment:

Kaitlyn Michelle said...

Hi Mandy! I tagged you for a book meme over at my blog!