Friday, September 26, 2008

Well, I did it.....

I finally signed up for online college work! I'm actually pretty excited about it. It is a program that leads to a career diploma in medical coding and billing. That's not the most exciting course of study, I know, but I thought this would be "career" that would be good for me. Coding and billing can be used in any health offices, hospitals, insurance companies, etc, and I could work from home as well. That was one of the main reasons I chose it. I started to learn medical transcription, which is a common at-home job for typing medical records, but I quickly realized that my hands aren't up to that much typing. So, I thought coding and billing would be best for me. I haven't received my books yet, but I can access them through pdf files online. They look like they will be interesting -- and some of them look hard! So, I'm going to schedule studying into my day from now on. :)

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