Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

and feel like Christmas. It is so cold here. The store has started playing Christmas music and two local stations have switched to nonstop Christmas music. For now, I'm enjoying it, but I have a feeling I'm going to be tired of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer ten times a day before long. The store is decorated with red and gold decorations and everywhere we go are the sights and sounds of Christmas. Monday, we went to the mall for our first Christmas shopping trip. Of course, we went home without buying anything. :) But our last stop was the music store, and I bought a big book of Christmas solos. They aren't arrangements, just nice solos of just about every Christmas song you can think of. I've always wanted a comprehensive Christmas collection like that, so I was glad to find it.

I can't even believe Thanksgiving is next week. What?!?!? I won't have another day off until Thanksgiving and then Black Friday, I work 3:45-2. Yesterday, my feet hurt so bad when I finished my shift that I clocked out and went straight to the shoe department. I was determined that, no longer how long it took and if I had to try on every pair of shoes in the store, I was going to find a pair of shoes that felt good on my feet. I was actually about to give up, because the regular flats didn't have enough cushion and cushion-y shoes seemed to pinch my feet in the wrong places. I finally started trying on Sketchers. They had some black shoes with a comfort sole, but made enough like a dress shoe that I could wear them with my skirts, which was something I was looking for, too. These shoes were SO comofortable. They fit my feet like a glove and were like walking on a cloud. I was determined to buy them if they cost $100, but fortunately they were on sale for $45. I put them on hold for Friday, when I get an extra associate discount. I can't even describe how bad it is to stand on my feet for hours and hours in shoes without enough support. I am so glad I found these in time for Black Friday!!

1 comment:

emme said...

I can completely sympathize with the shoe dilemma, Mandy! I've held several positions that have required me to be on my feet for long periods in unsympathetic footwear...

I have to admit, my mom, sister, and I all enjoy shopping the day after Thanksgiving. ☺ We find so many presents for such low prices that we can't help but think that it's extremely worthwhile for us! But I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to be an employee of a store during the mad rush! So, so, many rude shoppers!
