Monday, January 10, 2011


Well......what can I say. Blogger tells me that my last post was February 26, 2010. So it has been almost an entire year since I posted on here. I think I really needed a break for a while. Last year was a pretty stormy year. We had a lot going on, a lot of adjusting to make to the "new normal" for our family since my mom is gone, and a lot of sorting out to do. I really thought I might crack under the pressure for a while -- we had to go through and divide all of Grandma and Grandpa's things after Grandpa's death, completely turn the house upside down again to put in new carpet, go through the drama of class registrations for myself and my sister, go through the drama of changing jobs, and about a hundred other things. My Grandma on my dad's side died in April. Princess had to have major surgery because of a lump on her stomach and the vet was not very encouraging through that time. And we've basically had to learn (or attempt to learn) how to get along with each other through all this. So, hopefully you can see why I have been absent for a long while.

Don't get me wrong, some good things happened last year, as well. I was able to finally leave retail (wahoo!) and started working in medical records at a hospital, which is great because that is what my degree will be in. I passed all my classes for fall, and was accepted into the Health Information program that I wanted. We got a new kitten and my aunt opened a little store in town that I have been able to sell a few crafts in.

I am really optimistic that 2011 will be a much better year. My sister and I have gotten used to registering and taking classes and my job schedule is much better than before. And we have come to accept the way things are now. So, any way, I hope everyone is having a blessed and happy new year!


Kaitlyn Michelle said...

mandy, i am SO happy that you have done some blogging. i really missed your posts.

i'm sorry to hear about the hard year you've had, one thing after another! it's encouraging to hear that it IS possible to go through so many things at once, even very hard things.

keep up the posts, friend... :)


Mandy said...

Thanks, Kaitie! I have missed blogging and I will definitely try to keep posting! :)