Thursday, January 17, 2008

I was only supposed to vacuum the living room....

Then I discovered that someone had taken the vacuum cleaner upstairs. That was the incentive I needed to get my room cleaned up. Funny, isn't it, how a little thing like not wanting to drag the vacuum up the stairs can keep me from cleaning my room. My room needed it, too. I cleaned it up thoroughly just before Christmas, but after I got my new desk, I moved all my furniture around, stacked books here and there, and left the plastic packaging where it fell. Not to mention the fact that I had also accumulated quite a few tags on top of my dresser from my new clothes. It really felt messy in there, but there just wasn't any use in cleaning it until somebody took the vacuum upstairs for me. Well, when I discovered the vacuum was upstairs, I decided I had to get that room cleaned up. It didn't take too long. All I really had to do was throw away the tags and packaging I had left before, dust, and find homes for some of my new books. Oh, and vacuum. Then I lugged the heavy thing downstairs and finally vacuumed the living room and dining room.

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